Latest News, Projects & Stories from Collett

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SPT Mile for 55 Tonne Lathe

Working in conjunction with two other parties, Collett were called upon to assist with the transport of a 55 tonne lathe.

SPT Mile for 55 Tonne Aerospace Lathe

The 12.7m long, 3.5m wide, 3.5m high lathe had been carrying out prototype work for some of the biggest aerospace companies in the world, and required a transport solution to move from its position at the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre to a separate AML site a mile down the road.

With a gantry lifting system already in place, Collett were contracted to undertake transport operations of the high accuracy piece of equipment. Taking place in mid-May, preparation of the cargo had already been undertaken with the removal of ancillary systems from the lathe, such as coolant tanks and guarding panels.

With the lathe lifted by gantry within the research centre, our Team, equipped with an 8-axle motorised SPT Scheuerle InterCombi and powerpack, manoeuvred under the suspended cargo and lowered to secure. Once outside the facility, our Team hitched the SPT to our Mercedes-Benz Arocs SLT 8x4 ballast truck. Under Collett Pilot Car escort, the lathe slowly made the mile journey to its designated site. Once at the manufacturing facility, site restrictions would not allow for access of the SPT to manoeuvre the cargo to final position. Our Team brought the cargo to within a few feet before transferring to a skidding system for final positioning.

“There were no particular challenges on this job – everything was straightforward,” states Liam McLoughlin, Head of Projects. “All parties worked together on the pre-planning works and this collaboration provided a smooth and successful operation.”

“We’re well used to working with other parties, and I think that’s the main challenge in heavy haulage now, the preparation and lead times are key. I’m happy to say that everything went as planned, with all contractors working hand in hand to complete the project.”

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