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25 Loads for London’s Luton DART Project

We complete delivery of 25 loads for London’s Luton DART Project.

25 Loads for London’s Luton DART Project

The £225 million project sees the development of a Direct Air-Rail Transit (DART) system which will transport passengers between Luton Airport Parkway station and London Luton Airport.

Transported from Bolton, the 25 bridge sections, ranging in length from 16 to 42 metres, were loaded to Collett’s double bogie and triple extendable trailers.  Due to the length of the loads, these double bogie and triple extendable trailers would be the ideal solution for this project as they could safely accommodate the varying lengths of the cargoes.

Having undertaken several swept path analysis reports along the route to ensure unimpeded access for each of the cargoes, all route amendments and street furniture requirements were in place ahead of the project’s commencement. 

Collett transported each bridge section following a two day delivery schedule for each, travelling under the escort of Collett’s Code of Practice vehicles, Greater Manchester Police and Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Constabulary throughout.  With weights ranging from 13 to 36 Tonnes, over an 8 week period Collett delivered each of the structural steel components to the Luton construction location before unloading by mobile crane.

Scheduled to open in 2021, passengers will be able to travel between St Pancras and London Luton Airport in just 30 minutes using the fastest trains.  The scheme will be a double-shuttle, fully automated people-mover, capable of operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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