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Introducing 3D Swept Path Analysis

Using the expertise in our Transport Consulting division we can accurately create transportation simulations to ensure your project can be planned to perfection.

Collett Transport Consulting Introduce 3D Swept Path Analysis

Collett Transport Consulting have long been providing 2D swept path analysis reports using Ordnance Survey Mastermap Data. These reports are undertaken as a matter of course when surveying potential transport routes to create a digital journey highlighting any problem areas or pinch points. Already an established division of the Collett Group, the Consulting division provide specialist reports to facilitate safe and professional transport planning. The latest addition to our consulting services is the in-house development of our 3D swept path analysis software with which we can continue to build on the services we offer and provide a visual demonstration of the transport route and advanced reporting capabilities.

The software, built in house using the latest AutoCAD, allows us to accurately identify height limitations, predictably evaluate vehicle movements and gives us an accurate representation of a vehicle and load’s movement throughout any chosen transport route. All potential routes can be rendered in high quality 3D using accurate geographical data and can provide clients with a visual rendering of their transport project.

All the models used in the software are accurately rendered to depict the specific tractors and trailers available in our fleet with each one possessing precise vehicle movement characteristics and true steering geometry. This provides a solid base on which we can then accurately build the load cargo based on the exact dimensions, giving an in depth knowledge of the vehicle and load’s dimensions and behaviour throughout a chosen route.

The introduction of this software to the Collett offering provides us with the ability to quickly identify any overhead conflicts and vertical or horizontal alignment issues in the early stages of a project, increasing efficiency and minimising the need for the manual checking of 2D drawings. The software also provides clients with a preview of their project, bringing the transportation closer to realisation and showcasing Collett’s expertise within the field.

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Mistral Point, AW Nielsen Road, Goole, DN14 6UE
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Naas Industrial Estate, Naas, Co. Kildare, W91 VR8E

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