Latest News, Projects & Stories from Collett

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Jacking & Skidding from Leeds to Kent

Collett’s new jacking & skidding system proved a shrewd investment as it was called upon to facilitate the move of a 50 Tonne transformer.

Heavy Lift Hydraulic Jacking & Skidding at Owls Hatch Solar Farm

The 45/50 MVA power transformer was destined for Owls Hatch Solar Farm and with the deadline for delivery approaching the Collett Team were called upon to deliver the cargo to its foundation site.

Arriving on site in Leeds, David Christy and the Heavy Lift Team set to work.

Utilising the new system, four 25 Tonne jacks were placed at designated jacking points under the transformer, once all safely in place the jacks were put to work gradually raising the load in 25cm increments. Slowly the transformer rose from its position, supported throughout by timber safety packing the Team continued to raise the transformer to a suitable height which would allow the installation of the skidding system.

Once at the optimum height, it was the turn of the modular skidding system to be installed. After carefully placing the tracks under the load, the skidding system was then fitted with the hydraulic push-pull units and low-friction skidding pads. As the push-pull units hydraulically extended and retracted between the locking points on the track, the 50 Tonne load moved effortlessly from its location, gliding towards the awaiting trailer bed which had been lowered to ground level in anticipation of the cargo.

Having been skated directly into position on the trailer, the jacking system was re-introduced to lift the load and allow for the removal of the skidding system. With the skidding system removed and the load safely secured on the trailer the Collett Team set off for their Goole depot where the transformer would be stored overnight.

Bright and early the following morning the Team were on site at Goole and ready to go. Having organised the necessary permits for the heavy transport and notified all the relevant authorities, the transformer set off for its final destination, Owls Hatch Solar Farm in Kent.

Once on site, the jacking & skidding systems were utilised once again, effortlessly lifting and sliding the load from the trailer bed directly to its foundation site. With the transformer in place Collett’s job was done, Owls Hatch had taken delivery of their transformer and the development could enter its next phase.

The solar farm, which will spread across 8 fields, once complete will be one of the largest solar farms in the UK.

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Victoria Terminal, Albert Road, Halifax, HX2 0DF
Mistral Point, AW Nielsen Road, Goole, DN14 6UE
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Naas Industrial Estate, Naas, Co. Kildare, W91 VR8E

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